déjà poo

Oh Cousin Mischa gave me this book (not sure if you read this misch. oh hi there if you do). Very thoughtful- and actually the second person to have done so! Amy, the friend Eliz is slowly stealing, was the other one. I suppose I'm predictable, but also I have good friends! it is a great book: hilarious AND informative.


  1. Anonymous said...

    so what did your poo end up telling you?


  2. Anonymous said...

    ps: totes urban outfitters!  

  3. rizabeff said...

    if I remember correctly, in the christmas of 2002, I also gave you a book about poo, or was it farts?  

  4. Highwaisted said...

    how do you remember years rza? i never remember years..  

  5. rizabeff said...

    I am a year whore - since I was little, too, I was always like, NO that was what I got for Christmas 88, not 89!  


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