yes he does


  1. Anonymous said...

    ooooo! i KNEW this! are you watching the same cbc wine documentary as i did? i'm bummed he didn't go balls to the wall and call it: 'ghostbusters merlot' or 'soul man shiraz' haw haw...

    ps: i made you a 'dad rock' playlist, named such because i apparently no longer listen to music from the last 25 years... ugh... go prog rock!


  2. Chlo said...

    I saw it at the LCBO! I was tempted to try it, but it wasn't even that cheap. well under 20$. Maybe I should give it a chance. either no one is going to try it because they dont trust Dan Akroyd to have good wine, or Dan Akroyd put his name on a crappy bottle, counting on his name to sell bottles... or BOTH.
    YAY playlist!!!!! Dad Rock is going to rock my world, I already know it!  

  3. Chlo said...

    oh ps. I would buy 'Soul Man Shiraz' in a second  

  4. beans said...

    he does and it's awesome!!!  


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